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Manual upgrade of bootloader and changes in mtd

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  • Manual upgrade of bootloader and changes in mtd

    Hello and thanks in advance for your help. I have two questions.

    1) Is there ability to do upgrade of first bootloader image? I have image of MAG 250's bootloader in binary format and I wanted to change model to Aura HD (AuraHD0). I've edited my image in hexeditor by replacing MAG250 -> AuraHD0 and replacing other vendor stuff like serial number or MAC address.

    Is it possible to flash such edited image from bootloader menu, without manually reprogramming chip? Have thought about option "Auto Upgrade" from upgrade tools, but not sure how to do.

    2) Operator utilities provide for MAG 200 option of making image with embedded Bootstrap so user can do upgrade from USB without Bootstrap copying. The option of using embedded Bootstrap is still available in bootloader menu of MAG 250/254/270. Can I do image for those STBs like for MAG 200, by defining env vars mtdparts, mtdids, partition and so on?
    Those ones are defined in env_variable_with_Bootstrap.txt which is connected to img_make.profile.with_Bootstrap..

    I'd be very glad for any help Sorry for English, but I don't know Russian very well.